Well managed grass can meet the nutritional needs of different livestock categories and stages of production. When grass is grazed no lower than 4cm and then given a rest period before being grazed at the "3 leaf stage", grass growth and quality is optimised resulting in increased utilisation and performance. This can provide benefits to the business such as reducing the use of purchased feeds, lower costs, increase stocking density or free up acres for other use.

This rotational grazing calculator will help you to calculate:

  • Daily Dry Matter intake required for your chosen livestock group
  • Total Dry Matter of grass available to eat
  • Optimum size of paddocks
  • Rotation length - days between grazing the first and last paddock

Grass growth and livestock demands vary throughout the year and calculations should be reviewed regularly to ensure livestock demands are being met. For accuracy regular grass measurements should be taken using a sward stick or plate meter. For more information on rotational grazing visit www.fas.scot.

Use this to make a rotational grazing plan - revisit it frequently throughout the growing year.


TOTAL Dry Matter Required Per Day:
0 Kg


What is target Residual?

Grass Available to Eat:
0 Kg (Dm/Ha)
Grazing Days/HA:
0 Days


Paddock Size
0 (HA)
Time in Paddock
0 Days
Rotation Length
0 Days